A ticket to “The Richard Show” is a donation to Women’s Refuge
Come and see “DICK” at the Fringe Festival and donate to Women’s Refuge.
Well, it’s Fringe time in Wellington — the Fringe Festival — The New Zealand Fringe (it just really gives a buzz to the streets of Wellington) is kicking off this Friday (Feb 14). And, as I’ve mentioned before, I have a show in it. A one-off performance on Friday, Feb 21, 7.30pm — Photospace Gallery, Courtenay Place, Wellington.
Fringe Festival: DICK: Reading 'Richard' Live - Music and Poetry
You can see here in the Fringe programme — it’s just $10 for a ticket.
One thing I have not pushed in the marketing, because I’m not a marketer, is that we are donating the money from the show to Women’s Refuge.
I wanted to just make the donation after, but then I realised it was worth mentioning, as it might convince someone to buy a ticket. If you are outside of Wellington you could buy the ticket, and gift it to someone, and the money still goes to Women’s Refuge. If you can’t make it on the night you’ve still donated. And the donation might be something you wanted to do. Or an extra reason to be invested in the show in any way.
The show will feature material from my new book, The Richard Poems. I’ll be performing the work with a live band, Filtersphere. They are brilliant musicians. And we have been having fun getting to know each other in a musical sense, and working on the show:
But I guess, even if this doesn’t sound like you, doesn’t feel like something you would enjoy, then you can always feel good about the fact that your money is going to a good place. A much-needed donation to an important cause; a (sadly) very important institution.
Sorry I can’t be there. When’s the international tour?