The Talisman (King/Straub) just beats out The Stand for me. My copies are also tattered beyond repair. Also in the running would be Gone with the Wind, though it's probably been 20 years since I last read it, so maybe it's actually terrible. I have a stack of 17 half-read books next to my bed, why not add your recommendation too?

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Without a doubt, It and The Stand. Have re-read The Stand so many times. I received the illustrated edition one year for Christmas, and used to re-read it every Christmas break. Now I listen to the audiobook version - still a great journey.

I don’t have a great reading spot in my house - a place that’s away from the tv and set up with the right amount of light... but I’ve got my Laz-E-boy on order and am thinking about a reading list, so I might add The Executioner’s Song to it.

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