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Sweetman Podcast
Sweetman Podcast: Episode 52 - Emily Writes (Again!)

Sweetman Podcast: Episode 52 - Emily Writes (Again!)

An in-depth chat with Emily Writes - the second time she's been on the podcast; this time the mummy-blogger, writer, activist, campaigner and public speaker is now a published author and the conversation is a catch-up on what's happened in the year since she was a guest the first time around (episode 14). This time we talk about her role as editor of Spinoff Parents - the popular section on the popular NZ news/culture website. And of course we talk about her book, "Rants In The Dark", a collection of her blog posts that mothers around the world have enjoyed, needed, taken to heart, trusted, engaged with, felt bonded to. We talk about the writing of the book, the promotion schedule, her work at Spinoff, some of her film review work and how she balances all of this in and around being a mum.