Apr 2Liked by Simon Sweetman

I don’t know that Creed fit the nu-metal tag; as a clueless nu-metaller at the turn of the century, I was fairly anti-Creed and felt they were beneath me while I listened to Limp Bizkit and Coal Chamber and System Of A Down. Though they did tour here with Incubus one time so maybe it’s just me.

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Lumping them in with a time and place when I was not that interested in the ‘nu’ sounds

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Apr 2Liked by Simon Sweetman

I mean, totally fair. It was a dark time for popular music. I suckled at its teat far too much, to my eternal shame.

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Pretty dark/shit time for movies too looking back.

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Sometimes a banger is just a bloody banger. For whatever reason this band has found you now, and it resonates with you now and isn’t that what it’s all about? I love being older and not having to limit my musical choices because I have aligned with a certain genre. It’s liberating! I think this is part of you exiting your villain era Simon! You are literally free to enjoy whatever you want. From Mariah Carey to Creed! And I for one, am here for it 😊

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Forgive them Father, they know not what they do. The Creed/Nickleback/Tool nexus (yeah Toolies I’m tarring them with the same brush) is a swamp of humourless, asexual clod-hopping that’s pretty much everything I got into rock and roll to avoid. I don’t even care that they have loud guitars. Consequently I’ve given none of them a fair hearing. Good on you for giving it a go Si cos I’m not gunna.

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