The film I’ve seen most at the cinema is Dances With Wolves. 5 times. Nelson only had one cinema and I went every Tuesday when I was at Polytechnic. Dances With Wolves was on for 5 weeks. One of my friends calls me Tatanka. I actually loved it every viewing but not sure I’ve ever sat through the whole thing since. Also saw Sleeping With Enemy 4 times at the same cinema and Belle Epoque 4 times at a little 50 seater in Dunedin
The film I’ve seen most at the cinema is Dances With Wolves. 5 times. Nelson only had one cinema and I went every Tuesday when I was at Polytechnic. Dances With Wolves was on for 5 weeks. One of my friends calls me Tatanka. I actually loved it every viewing but not sure I’ve ever sat through the whole thing since. Also saw Sleeping With Enemy 4 times at the same cinema and Belle Epoque 4 times at a little 50 seater in Dunedin
I’ve never seen Dances w/ Wolves