Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022Liked by Simon Sweetman

Love this article! I’ll add Ride Wit Me by Nelly to the mix along with many other grubby light weight hip hop songs from 2001/2002 … it was actually a great time for pop music and produced so many songs that I would never have admitted to liking at the time but are still on semi regular rotation. But I want to know Simon- is it ever okay to admit a secret love of the band TOOL? Or is that a step too far? Asking for a friend….

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Simon Sweetman

My kids are playing Rick Astley non stop it’s driving me up the wall. I can’t believe how long he’s been going for. Never Ever is a masterpiece ok.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Simon Sweetman

A tiny gentle poke...this is definitely the most female-dominated playlist I've seen you compile... I do love your playlists, this is merely an observation

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Yeah I’m aware of that too. When listening to non soundtrack albums female artists dominate my listening. When making playlists of highlights it is less so but will def note it to add more. Some weeks I’m aware I’ve picked almost none. Other weeks the balance feels nearly right

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Simon Sweetman

It bothers me that women's music is always taken less seriously, but most of my playlists are male-dominated too. One has to almost deliberately seek out women artists.

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Most of my favourite 'serious' artists are female: Suzanne Vega, Joni Mitchell, Nona Hendryx, Nenneh Cherry, Kate Bush, Tori Amos, Billie Holiday, Anita O'Day, Sheila. E, Wendy Carlos, etc...

But I also completely agree with you. It's still a shame to note this. I will def try even harder w/ the weekly playlists from now.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Simon Sweetman

That playlist is solid! Ticks most of my boxes... but I will be skipping over Butterfly🤣 I can’t handle seeing their faces in my head while they’re grooving out to Pretty little ditty🤢

I had the same thought on Vanessa vs Michelle... and I’d add Sarah Bareilles (Love Song) to that as well. All had a banging tune, but do sound a little same same.

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