Monday is about movies and/or TV. Today it’s about being a film buff, or film bluff. Is there even any difference?
Knowing from the opening frames - "48 Hours" being a classic example - that a film is going to be GOOD. One of life's great pleasures.
Speaking of "48 Hours," how's the Walter Hill project going?
That’s so perfectly put.
And geez. I have that box set sitting there waiting. I’ll make some effort this week to get started…thanks for reminder.
Knowing from the opening frames - "48 Hours" being a classic example - that a film is going to be GOOD. One of life's great pleasures.
Speaking of "48 Hours," how's the Walter Hill project going?
That’s so perfectly put.
And geez. I have that box set sitting there waiting. I’ll make some effort this week to get started…thanks for reminder.