May 2Liked by Simon Sweetman

Simon, have you ever written a piece of honest writing about your impression of the state of music writing/journalism/critiques? And if so, can you point me at it? I find myself fascinated by the little bits of industry commentary you throw into your writing - it feels like you're cynical about the state of it all but its hard to know what is said in earnest and what is just taking the piss.

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I'm sure I have, but sincerely, the days of me writing "the post" about a particular "subject" are really over. This is a big journal, and I'll revisit topics all over the place. I don't really want to write specific things to point to, I just like writing about whatever takes my fancy. The demise of music journalism is a boring topic, for many reasons, but also largely because it's over. The fans won. The critics lost. The fans didn't want to contemplate that almost all critics are massive music fans, and thought they were some sort of enemy. I write, now, as a fan, more than as a critic. But I have some critical acumen left in me, which I can't shake off.

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May 3Liked by Simon Sweetman

Sometimes it's important to earnestly take the piss out of what's become a very cynical music industry. 😁

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