Monday is about movies. And sometimes TV. I've started this ongoing series around favourite films of each year. Here we are with 1974...
A milestone year for American Cinema. Have you read the New Yorker essay in the history of modern American Cinema? So good. Great list by the way
No, I'll look out for that.
I’ll send it on
Okay. So how do you explain “Like A Rolling Stone”? 😂
No one can explain that!
"So close to a perfect film. So close…" Where did it miss out?
Oh no, it IS perfect. But it felt better writing it like that. IE: there's maybe really no such thing as a perfect film, if there was what would be the point in continuing to watch any others...
A milestone year for American Cinema. Have you read the New Yorker essay in the history of modern American Cinema? So good. Great list by the way
No, I'll look out for that.
I’ll send it on
Okay. So how do you explain “Like A Rolling Stone”? 😂
No one can explain that!
"So close to a perfect film. So close…" Where did it miss out?
Oh no, it IS perfect. But it felt better writing it like that. IE: there's maybe really no such thing as a perfect film, if there was what would be the point in continuing to watch any others...