Book Launch: Saturday, November 9, 2024, 4.30pm
Come to “That Was Then, This Is Now”, vintage clothing shop and barber, 57 Ghuznee Street, Wellington, for the launch of “The Richard Poems”, my brand new book.
It’s finally here — launch day can be announced. Saturday, November 9, from 4.30-5.30pm, we’ll be welcoming The Richard Poems into the world officially.
That Was Then, This Is Now is a vintage clothing store and barber in Ghuznee Street, Wellington. They are our hosts for the event, I’m thrilled to be launching the book from there.
My dear friend will be launching the book.
We’ve had amazing support from Phantom Billstickers along the way — with their poetry poster and image of the book cover around town:
State of Play alcohol-free beer are sponsoring the launch. For which I am so grateful.
Come along and buy a book — just $20 — or pre-order now and collect your book on the day