Poem: Solitude Standing
A poem about Suzanne Vega, her album Solitude Standing, my fandom, and all of that.
You telling me I really read the room.
Me playing the Suzanne Vega record.
One of several things we first bonded
over all those years ago. I used to play
this album so much - all alone. Never
could know when I first fell for this, that
I’d one day share several rooms with you.
(For good reading). We flew to Sydney to see
Suzanne Vega play the songs from
this album, our child at home with the
grandparents. A week later, I’m talking to
Vega in a hotel bar (gushing about how I’d
been a fan since I was 9). Turns out
you can read a room well if you know
it like the back of your hand, then
the music stands up and waves.