Poem: Not A Lot Like You
A poem about the "old man" in the Neil Young song and he's (not) a lot like you...
We both loved Neil Young because, I think,
on some level, everyone should love Neil
Young. But you were always a lot less
committal — and I know I’m far too intense
with this shit, but still. Now, under
this form of self-scrutiny, I tell myself I’m
uncovering clues that were there all along:
Me buying and relentlessly listening to Neil
Young, say. You no longer nodding along to
every song, and instead, drinking, drugging
thug-ing; finding your superiority by losing
your mind. Long ago ditching anything kind.
No Heart of Gold for you. Barely any
heart at all. Though it beats inside you
still, I presume? And we’re getting old.