My Cameo in the Robbie Williams Movie!
In an effort to keep up with the breaking news, I have something to share…
Worst Planet of the Apes reboot ever!
There’s a biopic about Robbie Williams. Happy Christmas to me! I predict 87 Facebook messages asking me about my cameo in it. Another 63 on Instagram. I’ll be tagged on Facebook dozens of times. And it will always be hilarious — as far as the person tagging is concerned. And three boomers will send me an email.
So, for the record, and before most of you ask, yes, I do have a cameo in the new Robbie Williams biopic.
Spoiler: I don’t play the “meteoric rise”.
Second Spoiler: I play the “dramatic fall”.
Which is lazy sarcasm for “no I don’t have a bloody cameo in the fucking Robbie Williams movie” — and I’m leaving this here to date-stamp me addressing the issue.
So, funny comments only.
And full backstory in the three panels below. Then a trailer for the film, so that this counts as promotion init?
Has Liam Gallagher ever commented on your Robbie Williams review Simon? I don’t like either of them much but I used to enjoy their ‘feud’. The ‘fat dancer’ put down always made me chuckle. And I wonder if Robbie ever got to build the underground bunker that his neighbour Jimmy Page took such exception to?